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Test Scripts

Dothttp provides flexibility of small tests in javascript/python in same file. writing tests are faily simple.



testtestName (string), func (function)Creates a test with the name testName and body func. All tests are executed after the response handler script.
assertcondition (boolean), message (string)Checks that the specified condition is true; throws an exception otherwise. The optional message parameter serves as an exception message.
logtextPrints text to the response handler or test stdout and then terminates the line. func (function)


The global properties storage, which is used for setting, retrieving, or removing properties.

In your HTTP requests, you can access a variable saved in as variable_name by using the {{variable_name}} syntax.

setvarName (string), varValue (string)Saves the variable with the varName name to the storage and sets its value to varValue.
getvarName (string)Returns the value of the varName variable.
isEmptyChecks whether the global object has no variables defined.
clearvarName (string)Removes the varName variable from the variables storage.
clearAllRemoves all variables from the variables storage.

For more information and examples visit jetbrains-client-reference we took inspiration from jetbrains-client reference.

HTTP Response reference#

body (string or object)Response content, which is a string or a JSON object if the response's content-type is application/json.
headers (ResponseHeaders)The response headers storage object.
status (int)Response status, for example, 200 or 404.
contentType (ContentType)The contentType object, which holds the data on the Content-Type response header value.


The ResponseHeaders object is used for retrieving the data about response headers' values.

valueOfheaderName (string)Retrieves the first value of the headerName response header or null if the headerName response header does not exist.
valuesOfheaderName (string)Retrieves the array containing all values of the headerName response header. Returns an empty array if the headerName response header does not exist.


@name("text payload")
> {%
client.test("check status", function(){
// checking test and assert
client.assert(response.status ===200, "status is 200")
client.test("check json", function(){
// were able to check headers
client.assert(response.headers.valueOf('content-type') === "application/json", "content-type is json")
// were able to check json response"outputval", response.body);

For more examples visit



Execution follows of request follows this order.

  1. Load flags
  2. Init Script execution
  3. Property resolution (default properties in script)
  4. Dynamic Property resoluiton ($randomStr...)
  5. Headers resolution
  6. Auth resolution
  7. Body resolution
  8. certificate (if exists)
  9. request completion
  10. Pre request script
  11. Request execution
  12. test script

Availaible libraries#

Pre-request scripts operate within a secure sandbox environment to prevent any potential harm. Below is a list of available method libraries:

  1. math
  2. hashlib
  3. faker
  4. unittest
  5. csv
  6. uuid
  7. base64
  8. datetime
  9. yaml
  10. json
  11. open
  12. urllib
  13. cryptography
  14. requests
  15. jsonschema
  16. client (dothttp client)
    • request (current executing request)
      • headers
      • query
      • payload
        • data (exists if postdata is text)
        • json (exists if postdata is json/dict)
        • header (exists if posted data content-type is defined)
        • filename (exists if postdata is to be read from file)
        • files (exists if postdata is multipart)
        • set_data(<data>) (method to update post data)
        • set_json(<json>) (method to update json data)
        • set_filename(<filename>) (method to update post file name)
        • set_files(<files>) (method to update multipart file data)
    • response (available for test scripts)
    • properties (Python dictionary)
      • set() (to update a property)
      • clear() (to delete a property)
      • clear_all() (to clear all properties)
    • infile_properties
      • get() (to get defined infile property, set will not update or used)
    • env_properties
      • get() (to get properties enabled from env, set will not update or used)

Pre-request script#

Pre request script runs before executing each request. Currently support is availabile only for python script. It opens up more possibilites.

Some of its uses

  • Custom authentication
  • Faking request data
  • Some computation

InIt Script#

In addition to PreRequest, there is also an Init script available. Init script/functions are executed prior to loading URL, payload, headers, or any similar components. This functionality proves beneficial when you need to establish variables before loading URL, payload, or headers.


Pre request scripts are nothing but methods prefixed with pre defined in script section of dothttp request.

Init scripts are essentially methods prefixed with init that are defined within the script section of a dothttp request. These scripts execute prior to any pre-request actions, allowing for the initialization of variables or setup procedures before the request is made.

def init_1():
# example of init script"hai", "value")
def pre_request1():
# example for pre request script
# sets new header
client.request.headers.setdefault("hai", "bye")
def pre_request2():
# sets overwrites header
client.request.headers.setdefault("hai", str(2*1000*2999))

Test script#

Test scripts are unit test cases which will be executed. There are two types of writing test scripts

  1. methods prefixed with test. it should not accept any arguments
  2. classes extending unittest.TestCase.


def pre_hai():
# simple pre request script
client.request.headers.setdefault("preheader", "prevalue")
# updates properties'somekey', 'somevalue')
# simple test method
def test_hai():
# if exceptions are throwed, test is failed
if client.response.status_code == 200:
log('not working')'somekey', 'somevalue2')
# Class level tests
class SampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_is_mime_not_json(self):
# simpel assertion
self.assertTrue(client.response.headers.get("content-type").startswith("application/xml"), "should not be json")
def test_pre_request_preheader(self):
body = client.response.json()
# simple assertion
self.assertEqual("assertion", body['headers']['someheaderkey'])

Complete Example#

@name("text payload")
> {%
def pre_hai():
client.request.headers.setdefault("preheader", "prevalue")
def test_hai():
if client.response.status_code == 200:
log('not working')
class SampleTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_is_mime_not_json(self):
self.assertTrue(client.response.headers.get("content-type").startswith("application/xml"), "should not be json")
def test_pre_request_preheader(self):
body = client.response.json()
self.assertEqual("prevalue", body['headers']['Preheader'])
%} python


  1. failing pre request fails execution of request
  2. pre request script should not accept any arguments
  3. import and filesystem access is completely blocked and fails pre request.
  4. All assignment on client and libraries are blocked and fails pre request.