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dothttp-runner 0.0.9

github code spaces

More fixes/improvements:

  • [Announcement] dothttp-runner can be run in remote wsl and containers.
  • [Improvement] history item will now start showing time of executed for better reference.
  • [Improvement] run http def (rerun last target disabled), will now start showing urls also (for ease picking).
  • [Improvement] Configure response directory name (saving responses in request file itself is not suitable for all) use/configure dothttp.conf.response.savedirectory to not save in current file's directory.
  • [Bug] multipart (files payload) with content-type not specified is taking forever in windows platform.
  • [Bug] busybox multipart decoder is considering upload text part as file (don't set content-type for normal)
  • [Bug] don't set default python3 path (if user adds it, he has to install dothttp-req)
  • [Bug] postman import is creating duplicate folder, use showOpenDialog rather than, showSaveDialog
  • [Bug] history execute is not showing file extension/ file syntax
  • [Bug] history item hove is showing 200 undefined fixed.

history imp1 history imp2

dothttp-runner 0.0.8

More fixes/improvements:

  • [New] reuse old tab, when executing httpdef target
  • [New] format any dictionary/json in httpdef (select dictionary, do ctrl+1 click format json)
  • [New] execute entries from history
  • [Improvement] now onwards windows users neednot have to change eol to linux file ending
  • [Bug] all toggle commands aren't working fixed
  • [New] url and method in outline

dothttp-runner 0.0.7


Now Users can use ${randomStr} to generate randomStrings on the fly (no need to edit to new value file again) random show case

More fixes/improvements:#

  • [Improvement] run and curl generation initally runs first target in http file.
    • when user runs/trys two generate two options
    • if dothttp.conf.runrecent to true (defaults to true)
      • runs most recently run target (optional)
    • if dothttp.conf.runrecent to false
      • asks user for which target to run
  • [Improvement] while updating properties, input box will prefills old value
  • [Improvement] added option to disable all environments at a time.
  • [Bug] History pane is loading too much data while page load fixed.
  • [Bug] curl generation in editor title is not working fixed
  • [Bug] linux installation has few glitches

dothttp-runner 0.0.6

Installation Dependency#

from now onwards, there is no need to install dothttp-req (python dependency). devs can start from vscode itself

Better Grammar Support#

now highlights url, name, method and json

grammer support


Now http file outline is available, dev can switch between multiple http defs in single easily

grammer support


Now onwards dev can list requests he made, open requests

history history view

Error reporting#

Now reports error while editing.

error reporting ![error reporting with more info](/img/error-reporting-with more info.jpg)

Output Channel#

From now onwards dev can check communication between langserver and vscode and can report bugs.

Users can go to dothttp-code view of output channel.

output channel


dothttp-req is website solely designed for debugging requests. (it generates curl with all arguments like urlparams, postparams, headers, everything) when making requests debugging payload, debugging query params is pain taking part. like httpbin we will echo same request but in userfriendly curl. checkout via

curl -X DELETE responds with

curl "" \
-H "connection: Keep-Alive" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "host:" \
-H "user-agent: curl/7.68.0" \
-H "client-ip:" \

Improvement: (3/04/2021)#

now hosts are also supported, just prepend to any url in integration point, generated curl will be with original url.

curl -X DELETE

curl "" \
-H "connection: Keep-Alive" \
-H "accept: */*" \
-H "host:" \
-H "user-agent: curl/7.68.0" \
-H "client-ip:" \

for debugging requests, dev just needs to replace host name with it generates curl request for you to verify